Premasri Kulagedara

Contact Information
18B, Perera road, Nugegoda
Detailed Information

It was an unexpected turn of events. When Premasri Kulagedara was participating in a leadership training course in Japan in 1985 under a scholarship through the National Youth Services Council, the participants requested the organisers to allow them to work part time there. In fact Premsri wanted to get computer training during his part time work, but the organisers selected him to follow a six month course in hair and beauty.

Premsri Hewawasam stands today as a real professional with his contribution in related fields whilst engaging in his beauty care and bridal dressing business.

His present commitments include:

Visiting Lecturer in Hair Make Up at the University of Moratuwa
Skin Care Consultant of the Thenuwara Trading Co.
(Importers of Paragon products from Australia)
Product Ambassador in Sri Lanka for DrimDrom Hair Colour Products from Japan

Opening Hours
All day
All day
All day
All day
All day
All day
All day